Peter Luger Bacon Recipe: Bringing the Iconic Taste Home

If you’ve ever dined at Peter Luger Steakhouse in Brooklyn, you know their bacon is legendary. Thick-cut, smoky, and perfectly crispy, it’s a treat that often steals the spotlight from the steaks. But what if you could recreate that mouthwatering Peter Luger Bacon Recipe at home? With the right ingredients and a few simple steps, you can enjoy the iconic Peter Luger bacon in your own kitchen. Let’s dive into the details and learn how to make this irresistible bacon from scratch.

What Makes Peter Luger Bacon Special?

Peter Luger’s bacon isn’t your average breakfast side. This bacon is thick-cut, expertly smoked, and cooked to perfection. It has a unique flavor profile that balances smokiness, saltiness, and a hint of sweetness. The texture is another standout feature—crispy on the edges while remaining tender and juicy inside. This combination of qualities makes Peter Luger bacon a standout dish that’s loved by many.

Ingredients You’ll Need

To replicate Peter Luger’s famous bacon, you’ll need high-quality ingredients. Here’s what you’ll need:

  • Thick-cut bacon (preferably from a butcher or specialty store)
  • Maple syrup or brown sugar (optional, for a touch of sweetness)
  • Black pepper (freshly ground)
  • Paprika or smoked paprika (optional, for an extra smoky flavor)

Step-by-Step Recipe

1. Choose the Right Bacon

Start with the best bacon you can find. Look for thick-cut bacon with a good balance of meat and fat. The thickness of the bacon is crucial as it allows for a crispy exterior while keeping the inside juicy.

2. Prepare Your Ingredients

Lay the bacon slices out on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or aluminum foil. If you like a slightly sweet bacon, drizzle a little maple syrup or sprinkle brown sugar on each slice. For added flavor, sprinkle freshly ground black pepper and a touch of paprika.

3. Preheat Your Oven

Preheat your oven to 400°F (200°C). Cooking bacon in the oven ensures even cooking and minimizes the mess compared to frying it on the stovetop.

4. Bake the Bacon

Place the baking sheet with the bacon in the preheated oven. Bake for 15-20 minutes, checking regularly to ensure it doesn’t burn. The bacon should be crispy on the edges but still tender in the middle.

5. Drain and Serve

Once the bacon is cooked to your desired level of crispiness, remove it from the oven and place the slices on a paper towel-lined plate to drain any excess fat. Let it cool slightly before serving.

Tips for Perfect Peter Luger Bacon

Quality Matters

The quality of the bacon you start with will greatly affect the final result. Opt for bacon from a reputable butcher or specialty store to ensure the best flavor and texture.

Control the Sweetness

If you prefer your bacon with just a hint of sweetness, use maple syrup sparingly. A little goes a long way in adding depth without overpowering the smoky flavor.

Keep an Eye on It

Bacon can go from perfectly cooked to burnt in a matter of minutes. Keep a close watch on it as it cooks, especially towards the end of the baking time.

Variations to Try

Spicy Bacon

Add a kick to your bacon by sprinkling it with a little cayenne pepper or chili powder before baking. This variation adds a delightful heat that pairs well with the smoky, savory flavors.

Herb-Infused Bacon

For an aromatic twist, sprinkle your bacon with dried herbs like rosemary or thyme. The herbs will infuse the bacon with their flavors as it cooks, creating a unique and delicious combination.

Candied Bacon

For a sweeter take, coat the bacon slices with brown sugar before baking. This will create a caramelized, candied crust that’s both crunchy and sweet.

Serving Suggestions

Peter Luger bacon is incredibly versatile and can be served in numerous ways. Here are some ideas to get you started:

Breakfast Delight

Serve this bacon alongside classic breakfast dishes like scrambled eggs, pancakes, or waffles. The rich, smoky flavor of the bacon complements the sweetness of pancakes and the creaminess of eggs.

Burger Topping

Add a slice of Peter Luger bacon to your favorite burger for an extra layer of flavor and crunch. It pairs perfectly with beef, cheese, and a variety of burger toppings.

Salad Enhancement

Crumble the bacon over a fresh salad to add a smoky, savory element. It works particularly well in salads with bold flavors, such as a Cobb or Caesar salad.

Appetizer Perfection

Wrap the bacon around shrimp or scallops and bake until crispy for a show-stopping appetizer. The combination of smoky bacon and tender seafood is sure to impress your guests.


Recreating Peter Luger bacon at home is easier than you might think. With high-quality thick-cut bacon, a few simple seasonings, and careful baking, you can enjoy this iconic dish anytime you like. Whether you’re serving it for breakfast, adding it to a burger, or using it to enhance a salad, Peter Luger bacon is a versatile and delicious addition to any meal. Give it a try and savor the rich, smoky flavors that have made it a beloved favorite.

For more ideas, recipes, and cooking tips and tricks, please visit us at My Tasty Soul.

FAQs About Peter Luger Bacon Recipe

Can I cook Peter Luger bacon on the stovetop?

Yes, you can cook it on the stovetop. However, baking it in the oven ensures more even cooking and less mess. If you prefer the stovetop method, use a cast-iron skillet for the best results.

How do I store leftover bacon?

Store leftover bacon in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 4 days. To reheat, place the bacon on a baking sheet and warm it in a 350°F oven for about 5-10 minutes.

Can I use turkey bacon instead?

Turkey bacon can be used, but the flavor and texture will be different. Turkey bacon is leaner and may not achieve the same level of crispiness as pork bacon. Adjust the cooking time as needed.

What if I don’t have parchment paper?

If you don’t have parchment paper, you can use aluminum foil or place the bacon directly on a wire rack set over a baking sheet. This allows the fat to drip away and helps the bacon cook evenly.

Is there a vegetarian alternative?

For a vegetarian alternative, you can use plant-based bacon substitutes. While the flavor and texture won’t be exactly the same, seasoning and cooking them in a similar manner can provide a tasty option for vegetarians.